Welcome to The Journey to Healing Blog

By Bren Bell (Coach & Counselor)

Expert Advice on Grief, Coping and Navigating LifeTransitions

On this blog, I share stories and insights on navigating loss, overcoming grief through transitional times, and moving through challenging seasons of life.

Looking for something specific? Search below!

“Anticipatory Grief: The Quiet Sorrow Before Loss”

“Anticipatory Grief: The Quiet Sorrow Before Loss”

Anticipatory grief is a deep, painful sorrow that occurs before an impending loss. It often goes unacknowledged, but nonetheless it is our minds way of protecting and preparing us.  It affects those facing a loved one’s approaching death, their own mortality, or even non-death-related losses—like an impending mastectomy, divorce, or a progressive diagnosis.

The anticipation of Grief

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“A Year of Firsts after Loss”

“A Year of Firsts after Loss”

Losing a loved one brings a wave heart-wrenching reality of 'firsts'—the first holiday without them, their first missed birthday, the first anniversary of their passing, and the first celebration of ANYTHING where their absence is deeply felt. Each milestone can feel like a new wave of grief, making the journey seem endless..

A Year of Firsts after Loss: Tips to Navigate

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“Rebuilding After Loss: A Journey to Rediscovering Yourself”

“Rebuilding After Loss: A Journey to Rediscovering Yourself”

It is unlikely that anyone gets through life without experiencing loss of some kind. Loss manifests in many forms: the loss of a loved one, a relationship, a career, health, financial stability, status, a dream, or even a complete loss of self. Eventually, these experiences can leave us questioning the very core of our identity and purpose in life.

Rebuilding After Loss: A Journey to Rediscovering Yourself

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“Tips to Navigate the Winter Season: an invitation to grow, experiment, and reconnect with yourself.”

“Tips to Navigate the Winter Season: an invitation to grow, experiment, and reconnect with yourself.”

The hustle and bustle of the holidays are over and winter has settled in with shorter days and frigid temps. It’s normal to feel less active and motivated, which can leave us with lower energy. View this season as an invitation to grow, experiment, and reconnect with yourself. 

TIPS for Navigating the Winter Season

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“Tips to Navigate the Post-Holiday Blues: A Gentle Path to Renewal”

“Tips to Navigate the Post-Holiday Blues: A Gentle Path to Renewal”

Post-holiday blues are a natural response to the transition out of a heightened emotional period. Let’s talk about some simple ways to ease through this transition and maybe even turn it into a chance to reset and refresh.

TIPS for Navigating Post-Holiday Blues

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“Managing Holiday Grief”
articles, tips, holiday grief Bren Bell articles, tips, holiday grief Bren Bell

“Managing Holiday Grief”

Holidays can be complicated without considering grief. When grieving a loss, your favorite times may feel like an obstacle you must manage for the first time.  At first it can be difficult to distinguish this time of year from the rest of the year, as every turn of the calendar can be a reminder of your loss. 

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Moving forward with Grief - A fine line between Avoidance and Helpful Distractions

Helpful distractions can prevent feelings of being overwhelmed by doing activities that allow you to take a break from grief. No one can be expected to continually endure the emotions associated with loss. Participating in restorative activities to help recharge is entirely necessary. This is an integral part of the healing process.

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